Traditional vs Digital Color Management Process

Color & Challenges

Color is a vital part of all goods manufactured and plays a crucial role in the sales success of any product. Due to this, it is essential for businesses to achieve the desired color accurately and as quickly as possible during the production stage.

Accomplishing the right color of an article can be challenging and hard to control. Typically, individuals designing apparel and those producing the fabrics, carrying out the dyeing process, and manufacturing the finished product are located in different parts of the globe. This can lead to increased inefficiencies and inaccuracies and negatively impact core factors such as quality, time, and transparency.

Ensuring that the exact color is being replicated precisely with each batch requires control of all factors such as material, colorant, and illuminant. Even a slight deviation in any one of these elements can result in an undesirable finished product.

Additionally, color expertise is limited to a few employees within a brand who are responsible for the entire color management process. Currently, only a small number of individuals can understand the high-level, scientific language of color and communicate on whether the desired color can be achieved on a given material substrate.

The Traditional Color Management Process

The conventional Color Management Process can be time-consuming, costly, inefficient, and unsustainable for businesses. Although the process is well-established, the methods used in traditional color management can lead to delays and inaccuracies. The goal is to achieve accuracy through objective, scientific data. However, the traditional approach only allows subjective and inconsistent evaluations of supplier samples after several days. Additionally, data is scattered across different platforms creating miscommunication between team and their supply-chains.

Instead of using objective spectral data, teams communicate their reasons for rejection to suppliers using subjective words only. As a result, suppliers must make minor changes to the formulation until the desired color is achieved, which leads to multiple approval cycles.

The Digital Color Management Process

Through the digital submission of target colors, the digital Color Management Process eliminates the back-and-forth shipment of physical samples which saves time, decreases cost, and reduces a company’s carbon footprint. Instead of being scattered, scientific data and visuals are available through one centralized platform which accelerates the decision-making process. Brands receive clear and objective evaluation of results from suppliers which eliminates subjective and misleading communication and improves approval rate.

Digital Color Management can offer a solution to the inefficiencies caused by the conventional process. This new approach is a Game Changer and offers great potential for improvement of quality, speed, cost, and sustainability in the supply chain.

Our digital color approval solution, ColordesQ, improves productivity and operational efficiency by accelerating the color evaluation process for apparel and non-apparel brands. Click here to find out more about ColordesQ or book your free demo here.

Traditional vs Digital Color Management Process
Marcus Kaiser (Director Business Development, Triple Tree Solutions)
Published 17 May 2021