Our team had a great time being part of the Munich Fabric Start from August 31st to September 1st, 2021, and presenting ColordesQ, our Color Management, Validation, and Conformity solution for the first time at the Fabric. ID Innovation Panel.

ColordesQ was introduced to our product suite when Marcus Kaiser (now Director of Business Development at Triple Tree) saw our existing solutions and recognized that we were missing the important element of color.

When attending PI Apparel Hong Kong, we carried out a market analysis on the subject of ‘Digital Color Evaluation’ and shared the idea with supply chain specialists who gave us an overwhelming response. From here, we started developing ‘ColordesQ.’
Color is a crucial element and plays a significant role in all goods manufactured and the sales success of any product. Our goal was to create an easy-to-use application with intuitive user-friendliness that would combine the objective facts with visuals and could be used by both experts and non-experts in real-time. Using spectral data, we are able to provide an objective digital assessment of color.
ColordesQ is used by all parties that are working on the color process at the stages of design, product management, procurement, quality control, etc. on both sides (i.e. buyers and suppliers). Unlike the conventional color management process, which is costly and time-consuming, ColordesQ helps businesses reduce the color evaluation time by about 70%, courier costs by around 80%, and reduce their carbon footprint by eliminating the back-and-forth shipment of lab dips.

To learn more about ColordesQ or request a demo, please visit us at www.3-tree.com